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Process Anomalies Nipped in the Bud

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All organizations have a variety of business processes that are vital for generating revenues or enabling them to execute their purpose for existence. Successfully and securely running these processes are priority number one in daily operations. Imagine a point-of-sales that is suddenly unable to process payment transactions. Such an error should immediately be detected and reported to make sure there is no revenues impact or customer dissatisfaction.

Typical examples of process anomalies that can be solved with the help of ADA are:

  • Alerting of data discrepancies between two different systems – a comparison which is often done manually and traced back by humans instead of automation. If we ask for exactly the same figure, do we get exactly the same answer regardless of the system?
  • Automatic control of whether all required fields have been filled out in the system, which is integral to data quality management. Are zip codes included for all customer accounts? How about their account managers defined?

Similar automation can be set up to safeguard practically any process deemed to be of relevance. With the help of ADA, getting the first concrete results with anomaly alarms is a question of days rather than weeks. Consequently, ADA enables cost-efficient automated management that was unattainable for such processes before.

The ROI is imminent, so there’s no reason to wait – contact us and let’s draw up your solution!