Cary Group
Cary Group’s growth strategy requires fast development – ADA speeds up the pace
Cary Group is a European market leader specializing in sustainable solutions for repair and replacement of vehicle glass. The company is growing both organically and through acquisitions. Epical has created Cary Group’s new Azure Analytics Platform to supports the growth. Qivada’s Analytics Development Accelerator (ADA) is part of the platform and an important tool on this journey.
To carry out its growth strategy, Cary Group has to be able to use data efficiently. Azure Analytics Platform is a great help in this mission. ADA is part of its architecture.
Cary Group was one of the first companies to take full benefit of ADA. They started with ADA’s Data Flow two years ago, and added Work Flow and Data Editor later on. The deployments between development and production environments are also handled with ADA.
“It has been a good decision to use ADA. With this tool, we can handle the data faster and also create value much faster. The customer was on board since the beginning”, says Carin Haglund, Epical’s Service Delivery Manager for Cary Group.
Cary Group’s company acquisitions create a need to handle great amounts of data coming in with the acquired companies. ADA provides solutions for this situation: new data can be added to the Data Warehouse without manual coding. This is fast and efficient.
Consistent loading logic and easy load chain management
ADA is designed to accelerate development by automating routine work. This speeds up the entire development process from start to finish.
“ADA is a reliable tool and enables working faster than any other method that I know. With ADA, we can focus on the data modelling, instead of thinking about how the data is loaded. This reduces waiting times – the front-end developers can look into the data and visualize it much sooner than before”, says Epicals Abdulrahman Alassadi, responsible for Data Warehouse development in Cary Group’s team.
ADA plays an important role in harmonizing data loadings and managing load chains at Cary Group. With ADA, data logic is consistent throughout the entire Data Factory, and all pipelines look exactly the same. ADA’s Work Flow feature makes it easy to manage and visualize load chains that have to be carried out in a specific order. ADA also enables easy deployments between test and production environments.

Fulfilling expectations for handling reference data
Previously, Cary Group had a lot of CSV files for handling different kinds of data. They wanted a more practical tool for this. ADA’s Data Editor provided the solution.
“The customer is very satisfied with this light-weight solution for master data management. We have created some validation steps to assure the quality of data that will be loaded into the Data Warehouse. The data must follow a formal structure, which eliminates errors”, Haglund points out.
“All in all, ADA offers an easy, fast way of working. If you have the choice, I would 100% go for ADA”, Alassadi concludes