ADA Supports Technopolis with Reliable Internal Reporting
Technopolis started to use ADA originally for load chain management in the spring of 2023. The migration from the previous product was easy and carried out without issues during normal reporting operations period, says Jouko Peltonen, Senior System Manager responsible for internal reporting and ERP.
Immediately, ADA proved to provide flexibility and efficiency to data preparation and management for the critical use scenarios of finance reporting. For example, a failed run is continued from wherever the error occurred, not from the start. On the other hand, a working day is more likely to start with an automated “Run successful” -report.

All in all, ADA is now a part of Technopolis’s roadmap of continuous development on data quality management. As the user interface is intuitive and ADA supports any end-user well, the plan is to also operate ADA more extensively in-house. While the co-operation with the ADA delivery partner of Technopolis has been highly satisfactory, having the ability to run certain operations independently contributes to one of the main benefits of ADA; flexibility. “The use of ADA is easy and rewarding”, says Jouko Peltonen.