You may remember playing “broken telephone” with a group of kids when you were young. The person starting the game will whisper a phrase in the next one’s ear, who will in turn try to repeat it to the next one. At times, the broken telephone messes up the original phrase to something that doesn’t quite make sense but is worth a few good giggles.
When the same occurs in a business environment, very few giggles take place. One of the everyday concerns for many organizations is how to handle the influx of data and then harness the data warehouses crafted with love and care to something that is actionable for business lines and management. Various stakeholders will typically have very different, ever-changing wish lists of how and to what end data should be utilized – and often the business need is lost in translation.
DataOps is, by definition, collaborative in nature. Its ambitious goal is to enable successful dialogue between data owners and data consumers. When DataOps processes are governed by ADA, neither large volumes of data nor complexity of the processes create roadblocks to that dialogue. This enables DataOps to adhere to the often fast-changing requirements by the business.
And, in case of a broken telephone, adjusting the DataOps deliverables to match the business needs can be done “on the go”, and the changes required can be populated throughout the DW with little effort.
21st century DataOps is a controlled perpetual motion machine, thanks to ADA.